About Us

Founded by a dynamic duo — a young entrepreneur and a seasoned founder — our journey began with the discovery of a unique and impactful form of advertising: branded water. Recognising the potential of turning every sip into a promotional canvas, we embarked on a mission to revolutionise the advertising landscape.

Our commitment to sustainability became a cornerstone of Complimentary Water. Driven by a shared passion for the environment, we vowed to eliminate plastic from our equation. Opting for aluminium cans, we not only created a sleek, professional look for our clients but also took a significant step towards reducing plastic waste. Aluminium cans are not only easily recyclable but also boast one of the highest recycling rates globally, aligning with our vision for an eco-friendly future.

At Complimentary Water, we understand the power of limited edition cans in creating buzz and exclusivity. That's why we offer bespoke, limited edition canned water campaigns, turning hydration into a collector's item. Each limited edition can not only promotes your brand but also can become a sought-after, shareable experience, amplifying your message in ways unimaginable.